Dentists, right? You’re either scared of their deep-drilling probes and hooks. Or at best, apprehensive, awaiting their dollar-sign eyes that pop-up when you walk in with a toothache, ready to smash extortionate prices across your gums. Belleview Dental aims to appeal to a more discerning and younger crowd. One that may not know the wonders of a Waterpik. One that appreciates hip art and nice music in their waiting rooms, as opposed to ancient oral healthcare posters and sticky celebrity magazines from 1999.
The head of a local Brunswick dental clinic reached out to conceptualise and design a creative print campaign that would encompass all the clinic aspires to be. I strategised a path forward through creative messaging and copy to engage the target audience using colloquial language rarely seen in healthcare advertising. The posters are designed to address the viewers directly without nagging or shaming, hoping to disarm readers before inviting them to engage further. This strategy and concept ensured the creative print campaign was successful which garnered an increase in new patients within weeks, as well as a huge uplift in follow-up patients to boot for the local neighbourhood dentist.
Belleview Dental. Turning molehills into mountains.